YK Festival 2014
feature artist
feature artist

7 days : duration performancediviNation project was organized and supported by the CINEVOLUTION Media and patiently prepared through year-long discussions on Humanity, Art and Technology.
diviNation project was designed to question the role of the artist in times of permanent change. Situated in between private and public, artist are required to test and verify how technology influences habits, including creativity.

Dangerous Minds (charcoal portraits of my heroes) Jung, Malevich, Tesla, Kandinsky, Hamvas, Nietzsche & Zizek.
video :: opening + performance
7 days + endurance + performance
Day 1 // technology

Day 2 // rationality

Second day was dedicated to NORMALITY and I tried to interact with visitors and occasional passerby’s. However, I soon discovered the inconvenient truth: Richmond is one of the most lifeless and dispassionate places on the planet Earth, populated with normals.
Day 3 // intellect

Third day was devoted to KNOWLEDGE and this feature allowed me to have fun playing with images and words. Intellectualism allowed me to be cool, distant and indolent. At the end of the day I realized knowledge may be responsible for the current state of affairs.
Day 4 // disobedience

Midway through the project I employed my ANARCHY persona to test the boundaries of freedom and censorship. My anarchy motto: “There is nothing to lose, because there is nothing important to keep”.
Day 5 // philosophy

I truly enjoyed making art in public, hidden away (and yet exposed) at the top of the tower. Nonetheless, I couldn’t produce anything of true value, as I was permanently distracted by the surroundings. So much for philosophy.
Day 6 // tribalism

Devoted to TRIBALISM, day six was an attempt to abandon my own ego and contemplate universal values. Ancient humans understood their role and position in the Universe and they used divination to navigate through the chaos. Today, we are left only with a chaos, as we abandoned divine nature long time ago.
Day 7 // spirituality

On Day 7, I decided to become a digital saint. I deleted my online presence and embraced digital silence.

© Vjeko Sager :: all rights reserved