1912 2012
December 2003
Seymour Art Gallery

Artistic statement
By Tia SagerMy father Vjeko Sager was born in Montenegro. He likes to think and study and he never liked the idea of becoming an artist, because he does not like art. However, despite his resolution, he studied art and became university professor in painting techniques. When we moved to Canada, my father was unhappy with his position, for not being recognized for his knowledge and skill. He does not like what he is and he decided to become somebody else. He divided himself into a four different people. This exhibition is a story about four artists whose plan was to destroy art.
My father has put this exhibition together in order to ask a question concerning the present and future state of the arts. I told my father I believe in 2012 the art will finally disappear. My friends at school are not very interested in art history and they do not like to learn traditional skills. They like to make art with computers. Sometimes they like to use photography or just to rearrange objects. This is the reason why real art will vanish.
Tia Sager, grade 6 student
Dorothy Lynas Elementary School
North Vancouver, 2003
This is the story of four artists who caused misunderstanding and destruction of Modern art

Vigor Sagerov
was a daring and intelligent man. He was very sophisticated and precise. His passion was the mystery and unknown. His ambition was to find a way to represent the invisible. He believed in science, but also in mysticism. At one point, he recognized the other side of reality, called unfairness. He became a communist and fighter for human rights. Soon after, he was killed because an important person did not like his progressive ideas.

Visio Sagerinni
was a brave and adventurous spirit. He did not like the school, but he liked to make things. He was always looking for fun and adventure. Visio was not very serious about anything. He enjoyed spending time singing and drinking with friends. His passion was to make strange objects that could be used for many purposes. He was very interested to blend art with crafts, because he said, artalone was worthless. He lost his life because of his fearless nature, while trying to save the Bauhaus school from closing down.

Vicar Saggner
was an intelligent person, but he never used his mind. Everything he did was in opposition to himself. He was not an optimist, but behaved like a pessimist. He desperately wanted to escape from everything and everybody. He ended up with destroying every possession and relationship. At the end, he had only his own body. His body became his artwork. He joined the Greenpeace and died under the mysterious circumstances while imprisoned at Victoria, B.C.

Vick Seger
is twenty-five years old Canadian photojournalist. He is not particularly bright nor educated. He is somehow indifferent and indolent type of person. Typical Canadian. His only passion is photography. He likes taking pictures of everything. He was sent on the assignment to report war in former Yugoslavia. Shocked by what he saw there, he moved to the St Helena Island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, far away from everything.impermanent art installation at Seymour Art Gallery

+ Art is Dead + Arte e Morta + Kunst ist Tot + L’art est Mort + El Arte esta Muerto + Arto Mortis + 艺术已经死了+ Umjetnost je mrtva +
© Vjeko Sager :: all rights reserved